Valid keys


Optional per-game config file
File expected at prop/linux.json of game root (usually contents), integrated into automatization tools and bmsound libraries


Below is an example config file with all defaults


Every key is optional and not required
Do not define keys you aren't sure you need
Usually all you will need is just network.url and network.pcbid or no config file at all
You may want to check some examples as well

   "video": {
       "profile": "stable",
       "display": 0,
       "refresh_rate": 0,
       "fsr": -1
   "audio": {
       "profile": "notif_spice",
       "fpc": 64,
       "channels": 2,
       "depth": 16
   "network": {
	   "url": "dummy",
	   "pcbid": null
   "extra": {
       "hooks": [],
       "devel": [],
       "lightning_support": true,
       "dll_override": null,
       "rt_override": null,
       "pfx_override": null
Key Default Value Description
audio.profile "notif_spice" bmsound-wine API profile that should be used, alters audio behaviour, "stable" will be default in future
audio.fpc 64 frames per chunk, amount of frames generated each process, fpc*100/44100 for latency in ms, lower values equal lower latency
audio.channels 2 frame channel count (2/4/6/8)
audio.depth 16 sample depth in bits (16/24/32)
video.display 0 (primary) monitor by index to be used, vsync target by default
video.refresh_rate 0 (currently active) value to use for display, wrong value may alter game speed
video.profile "stable" (adjust per-style) alters window type, includes "force_fullscreen", "force_window", recommended left as "stable" for best match per-style
video.display 0 (primary) monitor by xorg ID to be used, source of refresh rate (missing wayland logic)
video.refresh_rate 0 (currently active) value to use for display, wrong value may alter game speed (missing wayland logic)
video.fsr -1 (disabled) FidelityFX Super Resolution, value being sharpening power in scale 0-5 (sharpest-smoothest), not sure about its impact on latency
network.url "dummy" (spice dummy network) EA integration URL (null to read from ea3-config.xml)
network.pcbid null (read from ea3-config.xml) EA integration machine PCBID
extra.hooks [] list of additional hooks, located in modules directory (ex. ["omnimix-banner.dll","omnimix-dataloader.dll"])
extra.devel [] (use defaults) list of additional spice arguments added in the specified order, when running with --dbg1 enabled (ex. ["-graphicsverbose"])
extra.lightning_support true enables lightning model for supported titles (not recommended, unstable)
extra.dll_overddide null (use default) overrides game's main .dll name (not recommended, unstable)
extra.rt_override null (use default) overrides proton runtime used for this title (not recommended)
extra.pfx_override null (use default) overrides proton prefix used for this title (not recommended)

Common examples

Connection with ambiguous network

Forced fullscreen on second 120hz monitor

Using additional hooks

Forcing 60hz LDJ for IIDX27+


This usage is not properly tested and therefore considered unsupported
While it may work it's not recommended unless you are sure you need it and ready to debug issues yourself if any would be to arise

Using alternative audio backends


Default endpoint should be considered usually the most reliable one

Using vanilla proton in separate prefix


This usage is not properly tested and therefore considered unsupported
It is recommended to always use proton-ge as it provides built-in support for winetricks
Prefix-per-game approach is unnecessary as automatization tools should handle incompatibilities between titles if any internally and create prefixes as needed