Basic setup


Currently this guide applies only to Beatmania IIDX
If you found inconsistencies or want to improve this guide - you can report on it through an issue tracker


If you know what you are doing, probably requirements and known issues is all you will need.

First iteration of this guide, while tested beforehand and self-contained, issues may araise

This guide assumes any arch based distribution for the sake of simplicity (but anything x86_64/glib should work), tested setups include Artix Linux and Gentoo.
Quick setup below makes use of various wrappers provided in this repository making setup somehow consistent, even on fresh installs.
That doesn't mean you have to use them as it's mostly automatization and integration of proton without steam.

  1. Guide will use LDJ-20210915 for setup, if you are unsure of what you are doing, that's the recommended version to follow with
  2. Guide will use /var/games/ as starting directory for installation and expects game at /var/games/iidx/LDJ-20210915, therefore this step has to be completed if not done before
sudo usermod -aG games $USER
# restart system (or relogin user)
  1. Get everything listed in requirements, if you are unsure of what you are doing, below commands should be equal to completing this step (other than installing steam)
mkdir -p /var/games/iidx/requirements
##    common system libraries utilized in wine    ##
# Follow steps from
##    automatization utils (skip if you have your own setup in mind)
cd /var/games/iidx
git clone --recurse-submodules
sudo pacman -S jq
##    proton ge (includes patching)    ##
cd /var/games/iidx/requirements
tar -xf GE-Proton8-16.tar.gz
mv GE-Proton8-16 proton-ge-8.16
cd proton-ge-8.16
patch -p1 < /var/games/iidx/automatization/proton.patch
cp /var/games/iidx/automatization/ protonfixes/gamefixes/
##    pipewire (recommended to follow guide for distribution you use instead)    ##
sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack pipewire-alsa wireplumber gst-plugin-pipewire
systemctl --user enable pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber
systemctl --user start pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber
sudo usermod -aG realtime,audio $USER
# restart system (or relogin user)
##    get all custom requirements (most likely what you are missing)    ##
cd /var/games/iidx/requirements
mkdir spicetools
tar -xf spicetools.tar.gz -C spicetools
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd bmsound_wine
make -Rs build TARGET_ARCH=x64 TARGET_TYPE=Release
mv bin/Release/x64 ../bmsw
  1. This is how your /var/games/iidx should look like by now, you may safely delete any directories not listed here
- /var/games/iidx/automatization
- /var/games/iidx/requirements/proton-ge-8.16
- /var/games/iidx/requirements/spicetools
- /var/games/iidx/requirements/bmsw
  1. Link /var/games/iidx/.steam to steam's game library, in this case we assume you use single library (so how default steam installation works)
cd "/var/games/iidx"
ln -sfn $HOME/.steam .steam
  1. Add game (in this case LDJ-20210915) and proton-ge to your library (in this case proton-ge-8.16), for person following step-by-step this would be a correct command
mv "/var/games/iidx/LDJ-20210915" "/var/games/iidx/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Beatmania IIDX 28"
mv "/var/games/iidx/requirements/proton-ge-8.16" "/var/games/iidx/.steam/root/steamapps/common/proton-ge-8.16" 
  1. Move all .dll files from contents to contents/modules if this isn't the case already, this should already be the case for LDJ-20210915
mv "/var/games/iidx/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Beatmania IIDX 28/contents/"*.dll "/var/games/iidx/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Beatmania IIDX 28/contents/modules/"
  1. Add bmsound_wine (audio solution for wine) and spicetools (wine fork) to game's dump, for person following step-by-step this would be a correct command
mv "/var/games/iidx/requirements/bmsw/bmsound-"* "/var/games/iidx/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Beatmania IIDX 28/contents/modules/"
mv "/var/games/iidx/requirements/spicetools/spice"* "/var/games/iidx/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Beatmania IIDX 28/contents/"
  1. Apply wine patches through provided patcher if there are any (do not enable wasapi shared patch), in case of LDJ-20210915 you need a Bistrover specific fix
  2. Set your monitor to target refresh rate (so 120hz for this guide), example below assumes you want game on main monitor
# replace device (--output) with output of command above at line like this "DP-0 connected primary ....", where you would replace "DP-0" with the one listed in your output
# replace resolution (--mode) with your native resolution, you don't need to target specific resolution (as long as ratio is correct)
xrandr --output DP-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 120
  1. Run ep_bm2dxnix to setup prefix and start spicetools config, if you followed step-by-step until now, this should be enough
/var/games/iidx/automatization/ep_bm2dxnix 28 --cfg
  1. After you are done close config tool and run ep_bm2dxnix again to start the game, if you followed step-by-step until now, this should be enough
/var/games/iidx/automatization/ep_bm2dxnix 28
  1. If everything worked you can safely delete /var/games/iidx/requirements/, but know that you will probably need to rebuild bmsound_wine on bigger system updates
  2. You can check advanced setup for further/optional setup steps


  • proton-ge with required patches as specified by guide (tested versions >8.11, recommended 8.16)
  • pipewire (probably pre-configured to target lower latencies, but not necessary for getting games running)
  • this spice fork (extends on spice2x at the moment, tuned for linux, but works on windows)
  • bmsound_wine (acts as bridge between spice and pipewire)
  • optional, although recommended extra tooling
  • optional, although asumed in quick guide steam installation (steam installs itself in ~/.steam, if ~/.steam/root exists that should be enough)
  • optional, although recommended kernel with features utilized by these kind of games (for arch, linux-zen should be all you need)
  • implies common system libraries used by wine being pre-installed (you probably have done this already, unless you haven't worked with proton/wine directly before)
  • implies Xorg (although wayland should work, listed workarounds may target X11)
  • implies Nvidia (although AMD/Intel may work, listed workarounds may be nvidia specific)

Known quirks

Lists things with no known resolution at the moment, you may consider these as demerits compared to windows setup.

  • IIDX 30 Resident's music selection video missing
  • multiple older titles don't support video playback
  • all titles don't support effector