Local EA server

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For more generic setup guides not mentioned here, you may want to check Bemani Guide
If you think something would fit more in here instead, you may file a new issue


This guide is only needed for self-hosted servers like asphyxia, if using a private network you only need to create prop/linux.json as shown in this example

  1. Download latest linux build of asphyxia-core
  2. In this guide we assume you extracted asphyxia to /var/games/iidx/server
  3. Get plugins for game you need and copy to /var/games/iidx/server, so in case of iidx plugins it would look like /var/games/iidx/server/plugins/iidx@asphyxia/
  4. Launch asphyxia server in the background
/var/games/iidx/server/asphyxia-core -p 1108 -b localhost
  1. You should be able to view apshyxia's control dashboard through your browser at
  2. Create config file like in the example below

    Connection with ambiguous network

  3. Configure spicetools for carding-in - simplest way to do it is to launch spicetools config tool and press generate for 'Player1' in 'Cards' tab and bind a key for 'P1 Keypad Insert Card' in 'Buttons' tab (also 'Toggle Sub Screen' for games that support that)
ep_bm2dxnix 28 --cfg
  1. If you launch game through ep_bm2dxnix now, game should connect with asphyxia's network and you should be able to card-in with button you bound in the previous step
ep_bm2dxnix 28

Fine-tuning pipewire audio

Advanced configuration

Advanced configuration


As of writing only 44.1kHz stereo 16-bit audio should be considered supported
This doesn't mean host has to switch to such format (resamping is done by pipewire server)


Library itself uses audio.* keys defined in linux.json
Right now you shouldn't need to adjust anything outside of fpc (frames per chunk), which you may want to decrease to get lower latencies (not lower than what your pipewire server is set to accept through default.clock.min-quantum) or increase if you get choppy sound (same limitation applies through default.clock.max-quantum) - power of 2 values are recommended, although not required


Missing necessary documentation

Adjusting settings


  1. Create file linux.json in your game's config dir, this would be contents/prop/linux.json for IIDX titles
  2. Check this table for configurable settings and define JSON document only with settings you need, if you don'y know how check examples first
  3. Run any ep_bm2dxnix operation and you should notice your settings applied
ep_bm2dxnix 28



See script's help command for up-to-date examples

ep_bm2dxnix --help
User configurable paths